Eynsham Parish Council News

Do you want to help the Newlands Inn? 7 Dec 2021 Let us know if you want to be part of a community group to safeguard the future of the Newlands Inn.

Following our recent meeting, the Parish Council is preparing to apply to West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) to have the Newlands Inn registered as an Asset of Community Value (ACV).

To help us in making the application as strong as possible, we would like to form a community group of residents who are interesting in taking steps to preserve the pub for the village. This would consist of people who have the time and capacity to buy the pub and run it as a community enterprise. Various pubs in our county have been ‘saved’ in this way and it would become an option for the Newlands Inn if the ACV status was secured.

We would invite anyone who is interested in being part of this group to contact the council via the Clerk on epc.clerk@eynsham-pc.gov.uk. We will arrange an informal meeting to bring everyone together to discuss next steps and create a workable action plan for the pub once the ACV status has been secured.  

Please direct any questions to the clerk on the same email address or call us on 07956 901622.


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