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St Leonard's Church News

Live baby stars at Candlelit Carols 22 Dec 2019 A seventeen day old baby stole the show at St Leonard's Candlelit Carols

Seventeen day old Eddie Shaw stole the evening at St Leonard's Candlelit Carols as he was cradled in the arms of 'Joseph' who recited the monologue "Stable Talk" as one of the readings.

Our vicar, Duncan Fraser, described the birth experience from the baby's point of view - which could have been thought inappropriate for a carol service - scandalous, undignified and unexpected. Just like the birth of the son of God, an undignified action for the supreme being and creator of the world. But it's what God did to put right what had gone wrong with his creation.  He invited those who want to know more to a discussion on Tuesday January 14 from 7.30-8.45 pm and email him for details on vicarslp@gmail.com


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