23 May 2023 18:45 - 19:30 at Village Hall

This meeting is being held at the Village Hall (main hall) and via M.Teams (click here for link) at 1930

Finance & General Purposes Committee Agenda 2023-05-23

1. To receive apologies for absence.  

2. To receive Declarations of Interest in agenda items.  

To receive any disclosable declarations of interest from Members in relation to any items to be considered at the meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. 

3. Public Participation 

To receive submissions from members of the public for a period of 15 minutes.  Members of the public may make representations on any matters, for no more than 5 minutes each in accordance with Standing Orders para 3. The meeting will adjourn for this item. 

4. Village Hall – Committee Handover 

(a) To consider purchasing a mobile phone for the Caretaker and Bookings & Accounts Clerk and agree actions. 

(b) To consider providing a laptop to the Accounts Clerk. 

(c) To resolve to redirect the existing bookings email address to a new Parish Council email address. 

(d) To resolve to continue the insurance policy with the Village Hall Management Committee’s existing provider in the Parish Council’s name.  The policy will be reviewed at the next appropriate time (ideally no later than June 2024) to bring it into the Council’s existing insurance policy. 

(e) To resolve to provide administrator access to the Bookings & Accounts Clerk with Unity Trust. 

(f) To resolve to set up Rialtas account codes (including a Reserve account) for clear administration of Village Hall finances. 

EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS: At the conclusion of this part of the agenda, the Chair will move that, considering the confidential nature of the business to be discussed, the public, press and broadcast media be excluded for the remainder of the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. 

5. Village Hall - Human Resources. 

(a) To consider draft employment contracts and Job Descriptions for the Caretaker and Bookings & Accounts Clerk and agree actions. 

(b) To consider any reasonable adjustments (as necessary) for the Caretaker and Bookings & Accounts Clerk. 

(c) To consider any urgent training needs and agree actions. 

(d) To resolve to require a basic DBS check for the Caretaker and agree actions.  


Event Venue

Village Hall

46 Back Lane
Oxfordshire  OX29 4QW

T: 0793 583 2702