Amenities & Estates Committee Events

21 Mar 2023 18:45 - 19:00 at Village Hall

Extraordinary Amenities & Estates Committee Agenda 2023-03-21

1. To receive apologies for absence.

 2. To receive Declarations of Interest in agenda items. To receive any disclosable declarations of interest from Members in relation to any items to be considered at the meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.

 3. Public Participation- To receive submissions from members of the public for a period of 15 minutes.  Members of the public may make representations on any matters, for no more than 5 minutes each in accordance with Standing Orders para 3. The meeting will adjourn for this item. 

 4. Old Witney Road Play Area Action Plan - To receive copy of action plan from Deputy Clerk and to agree on timescales for project.

 EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS: At the conclusion of this part of the agenda, the Chair will move that, considering the confidential nature of the business to be discussed, the public, press and broadcast media be excluded for the remainder of the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

 5. Tenders for Old Witney Road Play Area.

(a) Committee to receive summary report on tenders from Michael Carter, Sports and Play Consulting via teams.
(b) Committee to receive recommendation from Old Witney Road Play Area working group.
(c) Committee to agree on preferred tender for project and make recommendation to Full Council on 21 March, for consideration.

6. Quotes for additional work at Old Witney Road Play Area.

(a) To receive and agree quote from Oxford Direct Services for basketball court repairs.
(b) To receive and agree quote from McCracken & Son to repair football pitch surfacing and bramble bush removal.

Event Venue

Village Hall

46 Back Lane
Oxfordshire  OX29 4QW

T: 0793 583 2702