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Apply now for a Parish Council grant 21 Oct 2021 Could the money help your community group in the new year?

Could your community group benefit from an injection of financial support from the Parish Council? We’re now less than a month away from the deadline for Parish Council Grant Aid; it’s time to make the decision and get your application form in.

The Parish Council awards grants to community groups and organisations within the parish if they can demonstrate that the money would benefit the lives of residents and make a positive impact on the community or environment. Groups operating outside the parish are also eligible provided their work will support residents of Eynsham.

Applicants are required to demonstrate a clear financial need for the money and must be planning to use it for a future project or activity. Retrospective applications will not be approved and the Grant Aid can’t be used to cover general salary costs.

Are you interested? You haven’t got long to apply! The deadline for applications is 16 November, with successful applicants receiving their money in April/May 2022. Those who receive Grant Aid will be required to submit a report to the Parish Council within three months of the project or activity completion date that details how the money was used.  

For more information on the Grant Aid scheme and all eligibility criteria, please download this policy document. You can also download the Grant Aid application form. Any questions on the Grant Aid scheme in general can be directed to the Clerk.

We know that our community groups are hard at work planning lots of superb projects that will greatly benefit our parish. We hope to be able to support you with your endeavors in the new year.


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