< CalendarAnnual Parish Council Meeting Eynsham Parish Council
24 May 2022 19:30 - 22:00 at Village Hall

Annual Parish Council Meeting 2022-05-24

  1. Election of Chair – to elect Chair for 2022/23.
  2. Election of Vice-Chair – to elect Vice-Chair for 2022/23.
  3. To receive apologies for absence.
  4. To receive Declarations of Interest in agenda items.
  5. To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the Full Council meeting for 5 April 2022.
  6. To approve the following meeting minutes and note the delegated decisions contained therein:-
    1. Planning Committee – 19 April 2022.
    2. Amenities & Estates Committee – 3 May 2022.
  7. Public Participation – to receive submissions from members of the public in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
  8. To review delegation arrangements to committees and staff.
  9. To review the terms of reference for standing committees and agree actions.
    1. Finance & General Purposes.
    2. Planning.
    3. Amenities & Estates.
    4. Senior.
    5. Traffic Working Group.
  10. To resolve appointment of members to existing committees.
    1. Finance & General Purposes.
    2. Planning.
    3. Amenities & Estates.
    4. Senior (Committee Chairs).
    5. Traffic Working Group.
  11. Appointment of any new committees in accordance with standing order 4 – Youth Council Steering Group.2022-05-24_11_TermsofReference_YouthCouncilSteeringGroup_Draft
  12. To review and adopt Financial Regulations (no amendments proposed).
  13. To review and adopt Standing Orders ((18 (f) updated and 18 (g) removed).2022-05-24_13_StandingOrders_Amended
  14. To review of arrangements (including legal agreements) with other local authorities, not-for-profit bodies and businesses.
  15. To review representation on or with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back.
    1. Allotment Association (1 member).                                
    2. Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils (1 member).
    3. Worton Farm Liaison (1 member).                                 
    4. Playing Fields Management Committee (2 members).  
    5. Public Transport Representative (1 member).                
    6. Village Hall Management (2 members).                         
    7. Broadband Champion (1 member).                                
    8. RAF Brize Norton Liaison Group (1 member).              
    9. Eynsham Charities (1 member). 
    10. Pavilion Alarm responders (2 members).                       
    11. Eynsham Community Primary School Youth Council (3 members).            
    12. GreenTEA (1 member).                                                   
    13. Eynsham Museum & Heritage Centre (1 member). 
  16. Review of inventory of land and other assets including buildings and office equipment.
  17. Confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks.
  18. Review of the Council’s and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies.2022-05-24_18_AnnualSubscriptions_2022
  19. Review of the Council’s policies.
    1. Climate Change Policy.
    2. Complaints Policy.
    3. General Data Protection Regulation Policies.
    4. Grant Aid Policy.
    5. Investment Strategy.
    6. Media Policy.
    7. Public Participation Policy.
    8. Use of The Square for Political Canvassing on Saturdays Policy.
    9. Remote Meeting Procedures (suggest deletion).
    10. Public Engagement Policy.
    11. Equality & Diversity Policy.
    12. Memorial Policy.
    13. Training & Development Policy.
    14. Grievance Policy.
    15. Disciplinary Policy.
  20. Review of the Council’s expenditure incurred under General Power of Competence.2022-05-24_20_ExpenditureIncurredGPC2021-22
  21. Determining the time and place of ordinary meetings of the Council up to and including the next Annual Meeting of the Council.Meetings Calendar 2022-23

Other Council business to be transacted:-

  1. To note the resignation of Cllr Nick Relph and Cllr Francis Zealley and agree actions.
  2. To resolve to apply for a NALC Quality Award at a cost of £50.
  3. Finance.
    1. To approve payment of accounts.2022-05-24_24a_ScheduleofPayments
    2. To approve bank reconciliation.
    3. To be advised of income and expenditure.2022-05-24_24c_Detailed Income Expenditure By Account April
  4. Audit
    1. To consider and note the Internal Audit Report for financial year 2021-22.2022-05-24_25a_InternalAuditReport_2021-22
    2. To consider and approve the Accounts for the financial year 2021-22.2022-05-24_25b_AnnualAccounts_2021-22
    3. To receive, approve and sign the Consolidated bank statement 31st March 2022.2022-05-24_25c_ConsolidatedBankStatement_31Mar2022
  5. Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021-22
    1. To consider, approve and sign Section 1 (Annual Governance Statement 2021-22)2022-05-24_26a_AGAR_AnnualGovStatement
    2. To consider, approve and sign Section 2 (Accounting Statements 2021-22) 2022-05-24_26b_AGAR_Accounting Statements 2021-22
    3. Period of Public Rights 2021-22 - To receive and note the Period of Public rights will commence on 23rd June 2022 for 30 working days.2022-05-24_26c_AGAR_PeriodofPublicRights 2021-22

EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS: At the conclusion of this part of the agenda, the Chairman will move that, considering the confidential nature of the business to be discussed, the public, press and broadcast media be excluded for the remainder of the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

  1. Finance & General Purposes Committee – 10 May 2022.
    1. To confirm the accuracy of the minutes and note the delegated decisions contained therein.
    2. To consider the recommendation from the Finance & General Purposes Committee that a lease is entered into, in principle.


Meeting Venue

Village Hall

46 Back Lane, Eynsham, Oxfordshire OX29 4QW.  T: 0793 583 2702