Please click here to join the meeting by MS Teams or refer to the link in the agenda here Full Council Agenda 2024-02-20
To receive apologies for absence.
To receive Declarations of Interest in agenda items.
To receive any disclosable declarations of interest from Members in relation to any items to be considered at the meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.
To approve and sign as a true record the minutes of the Full Council meeting of 16 January 2024.
To approve and sign as a true record the minutes of the Amenities & Estates Committee meeting of 23 January 2024.
To approve and sign as a true record the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 30 January 2024.
Public Participation
To receive submissions from members of the public for a period of 15 minutes. Members of the public may make representations on any matters, for no more than 5 minutes each in accordance with Standing Orders para 3. The meeting will adjourn for this item.
To receive an update report from Eynsham’s West Oxfordshire District Councillors and Oxfordshire County Councillor.
To receive a short verbal update from Eynsham’s District and County Councillors. The meeting will adjourn for this item.
Planning application
To consider the following application:- 24/00174/HHD - Hawthorn House, Hawthorn Road - Erection of replacement single storey rear extension and front porch, along with construction of a single storey side extension and conversion of existing outbuilding to create additional living space. Works to include replacement of windows and doors, re-roofing of main dwelling and installation of PV panels to rear roof slope.
Events & Projects 2024/25
To consider an updated list of projects for the next financial year, resolve priorities and agree actions.
To consider reserving a stand at Eynsham Carnival and agree actions.
To receive an update on organisation of the Annual Parish Meeting scheduled for 5 March, resolve to print flyers and agree actions.
To discuss holding monthly drop-in sessions (Councillor surgeries) in a café to meet residents and agree actions.
To approve payment of accounts.2024-02-20_8a_Schedule of Payments
To approve bank reconciliation.
To review the income and expenditure for the year to date. 2024-02-20_8c_Summary Income & Expenditure 31-01-2024
To consider renewing mobile phone contracts for 2 employees at £18pm each (previously £16) and pursue a new contract for the Maintenance Operative (wef 1 April) at a similar cost.
Grant applications.
To consider a grant application from Oxfordshire Play Association.
To note the Play & Activity Day is scheduled for Friday 26 July 2024 and liaise with Eynsham Parks accordingly.
To consider a grant application from the Bartholomew Players.
Land Registry
To consider quotes for registering documents with Land Registry and agree actions.
Parish Council office
To consider a draft Document Retention policy for approval. 2024-02-20_11a_Document Retention and Disposal Policy
To resolve to dispose of items recommended for destruction in the draft Documents for Retention and Disposal List and arrange security shredding where necessary.
In accordance with the agreed 2024-25 budget and Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting minutes of 9 January 2024, 24/F8 i. and ii., to resolve to:-
purchase required furniture, equipment and replacement filing cabinets; 2024-02-20_11c_EPCOffice_Costs_Feb2024
undertake re-decoration work and install a kitchenette by Council employees; and
relocate unused furniture either for storage, use elsewhere or disposal if necessary.
To receive reports from Councillors representing the Council on outside bodies/meetings.
To receive short verbal updates from Councillors who were assigned as representatives on outside bodies/meetings at the previous Annual Parish Council Meeting.
To note the dates of the next Parish Council meetings at the Village Hall
Traffic Committee meeting – 27 February 2024 at 6.45pm.
Planning Committee meeting – 27 February 2024 at 7.45pm.
Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting - 12 March 2024 at 7.30pm.
Full Council meeting – 19 March 2024 at 7.30pm
Traffic Committee meeting – 26 March 2024 at 6.45pm.
Planning Committee meeting – 26 March 2024 at 7.45pm.
EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS: At the conclusion of this part of the agenda, the Chairman will move that, considering the confidential nature of the business to be discussed, the public, press and broadcast media be excluded for the remainder of the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Parish Council Vehicle
To consider procurement options for a vehicle for Parish Council maintenance purposes and agree actions.