Planning Committee Planning Committee
31 May 2022 19:30 - 21:30 at Village Hall

Agenda & meeting link - Planning Committee Agenda 2022-05-31

  1. To elect a Committee Vice Chair for the period 2022/23.
  2. To receive apologies for absence.
  3. To receive Declarations of Interest in agenda items.
  4. Public Participation - to receive submissions from members of the public.
  5. Planning matters.
    1. To consider the following applications:-
      1. 22/01029/HHD - 78 Spareacre Lane - Removal of 4no. existing garden sheds and erection of single storey annexe housing two offices, plant room and sanitary accommodation.
      2. 22/01166/HHD / 22/01167/LBC - 3 Lords Row, Oxford Road - Removal of existing gable porch and the erection of a replacement porch. Amendment to previous approval 22/01167/LBC & 22/01166/HHD.
      3. 22/01177/HHD - 13 Hanborough Road - Alterations to extend existing vehicular access and provision of hardstanding within existing garden.
      4. 22/01269/FUL - 7 Clover Place - Construction of a detached dwelling with associated parking for the proposed and existing dwelling.
      5. 22/01281/HHD - 26 Hazeldene Close - Conversion of attic space to create additional living space to include insertion of two front dormer windows.
    2. To note a Planning Appeal for APP/D3125/W/21/3288375 (21/01187/S73) - Little Willow, Oxford Road - Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 10/0813/P/FP to allow no more than 3 caravans (of which no more than two shall be a static caravan or mobile home) shall be stationed on the site at any time and consider forwarding an updated response.
    3. To note Planning Appeal for APP/D3125/W/22/3291159 (21/03849/PN56) - Fir Tree Farm, Barnard Gate - Conversion of an agricultural barn to a dwelling house and consider forwarding an updated response.
    4. To review the planning applications log and note recent decisions.
  6. To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan revision and agree actions.
  7. To receive an update on the recent West Oxfordshire District Council Development Liaison Meeting.
  8. To receive an update on Oxfordshire County Council’s A40/Park & Ride development following a briefing.

Event Venue

Village Hall

46 Back Lane
Oxfordshire  OX29 4QW

T: 0793 583 2702