Eynsham Parish Council News

Local Plan 2031 Examination 22 Nov 2017 WODC has published additional documents for your comments. The deadline is 20 December

During the Local Plan examination hearing sessions held in July 2017, the District Council agreed to prepare additional evidence in support of its Local Plan. Full details are now available on this web page.

The most significant document for Eynsham is the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Further Addendum Report, cleared in WODC Cabinet last week.

Please note: the document consists of a 7-page executive summary and a 31-page report, followed by 9 appendices each numbered separately.

Your comments should be as succinct as possible and should be an absolute maximum of 3000 words.

Electronic copies should be sent to: programme.officer@westoxon.gov.uk along with three paper copies directed to the Programme Officer, c/o Planning Policy Team, West Oxfordshire District Council, Elmfield, New Yatt Road, Witney OX28 1PB.

The deadline is 12:00 noon on Wednesday 20 December 2017.


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