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Rotary Club of Eynsham News

Funds raised for See-Saw and Maggie's 26 Apr 2017 Rotary Club of Eynsham showed the film "Tea with Mussolini" and served an Italian themed dinner in aid of two local charities.

On Saturday evening RCoE held a very successful evening at the Village Hall showing the film "Tea With Mussolini" to a packed house and serving everyone with a delicious Italian lasagne and pud.

Through the event, including the bar and a raffle, we raised over a thousand pounds which will be shared between See-Saw - grief support for children in Oxfordshire and The Maggie's Centre -supporting cancer patients and their families at the JR.

The event was very well supported by villagers for which we are very grateful and we would also like to thank John Richards for his help with screening the film.


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