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Eynsham News Group News

Interested in Advertising? 19 Mar 2018 How about advertising or sponsorship with Eynsham News as it embarks on a sixth successful year?

Our newsletter reaches over 2000 homes and 250 businesses in the parish of Eynsham 6 times a year, with comprehensive coverage of local news, activities and events - preview the latest issue.

The publication is produced and distributed by a lively, enthusiastic group of volunteers.

Advertising space - for Eynsham businesses only - is limited to 31% and funds our printing costs. Any income remaining is donated to very local charities, with a small fund set aside for price rises in the year ahead.

For advert sizes, costs and deadlines please click on the download below - sponsor details are included too

If you have any questions or wish to discuss any details please contact Sandy Hellig: 07551 876285 / sandy.hellig@gmail.com Thank you for your time.