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leading light in the Eynsham Society, force behind the village hall

Fred Wright

Fred Wright (16 May 2009)

Fred Wright (1927-2014), a former Oxford Hospitals medical consultant, was heavily involved in Swinford Bridge inquiries in 1983 and 1994. He successfully championed the development of Eynsham Village Hall, as recounted in the Eynsham Record 19 (2002) pages 14-18, and continued serving on its Management Committee.

Fred joined Eynsham Parish Council in 1991, initially to fight the huge gravel extraction threat to the whole area between Eynsham and Cassington from north of the A40 almost to the River Thames. He served as Chairman of Council 1997-8; and continued drawing on his extensive experience until retiring.

A ‘Marmite’ person, perhaps? The Eynsham Society tribute appeared in issue 7 of Eynsham News; read it here.

Eynsham HeritageMaps & WalksBotley West Solar FarmDonate to Eynsham Online CIC